
16 Puasa by Mamat Khalid

BRO551 – BROADCAST CRITIQUE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – CULTURE & ETHNICITY (GENRE) 16 PUASA BY MAMAT KHALID     PREPARED BY: SITI NUR AISHAH BINTI RAMLI STUDENT ID: 2018403208 GROUP: N5MC243S4C PREPARED FOR: MADAM NURUL AISHAH AB RAMAN INTRODUCTION   Broadcast can be simply defined as the transmission of a programme or any information via radio or television. For instance, any announcement was broadcast live or to be simpler, a radio or television programme or transmission. While that, generally, to broadcast is to cast or throw forth something in all directions at the same time and a radio or television broadcast is a program that is transmitted over airwaves for public reception by anyone with a receiver tuned to the right signal channel. Therefore, for critique, it can be simply defined as a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. Moreover, criti


Christopher Nolan First of all, based on Andrew Sarris’s notes on The auteur Theory (1962), auteur is a French term for artist whose vision and personality is “written” into a text and auteur-centered criticism views that art as the ‘expression of the emotions, experience and worldview of an artist”. In auteur theory does contain these two important elements which is mise-en-ecene which means everything that creates the visual “world” of the movie and its overall atmosphere and the other element is metteurs en scene which Truffaut argues that not all good directors are auteurs. Peter Jackson for instance which despite he has written his own film has adapted someone else’s work and he removed certain scene and we can assume that Jackson is a good director but lack of credential to be called as an auteur. However, regarding to the director that I’ve chosen which is Christopher Nolan who directed Dunkirk (2017), he can be a good example of the director who can be considered as auteur. His


BROADCAST CRITIQUE (BRO551) FULL HOUSE (1994) VS THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE OF ASHLEY GARCIA (2020) Generally, genre is a style or category of art, music, or literature. A film genre is a motion-picture category based on (this is only for example) similarities either in the narrative elements or in tye emotional response to the film like serious, comic, and many more. Most theories of film genre borrow from literary-genre criticism. Each film genre is associated with "conventions, iconography, settings, narratives, characters and actors". Standard genre characters vary according to the film genre; for film noir, for example, standard characters include the femme fatale and the "hardboiled" detective; a Western film may portray the schoolmarm and the gunfighter. Some actors acquire a reputation linked to a single genre, such as John Wayne (the Western) or Fred Astaire (the musical). A film's genre will influence the use of filmmaking style