16 Puasa by Mamat Khalid







STUDENT ID: 2018403208





Broadcast can be simply defined as the transmission of a programme or any information via radio or television. For instance, any announcement was broadcast live or to be simpler, a radio or television programme or transmission. While that, generally, to broadcast is to cast or throw forth something in all directions at the same time and a radio or television broadcast is a program that is transmitted over airwaves for public reception by anyone with a receiver tuned to the right signal channel. Therefore, for critique, it can be simply defined as a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. Moreover, critique is a somewhat formal word that typically refers to a careful judgment in which someone gives an opinion about something. Review can refer to an essay analyzing a literary or artistic work but can also sometimes imply a more casual or personal opinion. While that, film critic is a person who writes or publishes a review of a film from either an artistic or entertainment point of view. Film critic does the analysis and evaluation of films where the person who critic may do academic criticism that is informed by film theory and published in journals.

            For movie titled “16 Puasa” is a Malay film that portrayed Malay people always skip fasting during fasting month or in Islam known as the month of Ramadhan where Muslims are required to fast for 30 days. We can clearly see their agendas and excuses that they always created just to escape themselves from fasting. This film was directed by Malaysian famous film director known as Mamat Khalid that and produced by Aminuddin Hanafiah and Azrin Ahmad Kadri. this film was launched in 2017 and it is the continuity of the film “15 Puasa” that has been starring by Adlin Aman Ramlie and it started its premiere aired on Astro First Exclusive on 8th June 2017. This film also its sequel known as “17 Puasa” that has been aired on 22nd of May 2019 last year.





The film “16 Puasa” is a hybrid genre which is comedy and drama under telefilm format that has been written and directed by Mamat Khalid that has been starring Sabri Yunus, Aziz M. Osman, Bell Ngasri Rab khalid and Man Kadir as the main characters in that particular movie or film. Moreover, this film is produced by Aminuddin Hanafiah and Azrin Ahmad kadri under the production house known as Vision Studio Sdn. Bhd. and the duration of this film is 86 minutes and full of moral values that the audience can take and learn from it. This film apprises of the particular group of villagers who always skip from fasting in the month of Ramadhan and cunningly lied and hide their activities from their respective families. They always break their fast after 10 in the morning usually in the hideous bushes or besides that river where this group of villagers always spending time together or in other words break their fast together and from there, they became close to each other. Each people member have their turn to get the foods regardless of buying it at any open stalls or restaurant or cooked from home and the total of the members of the group six of them and all of them are already married. After 16 days of their illegal activities after 10 in the morning, they has been seized by the head of the village and religious committee by the river where they always break their fast together and will brought to the police station by using “kereta jenazah (corpse vehicle) and while on the way to the police station, the vehicle has stopped by the bazaar Ramadhan and they suddenly saw their wife and planning to escape and repent from what they did.

            Next, in term of theme and style, the theme and style that has been portrayed in this film is irony, parody, satire, and realism that showed what kind of Malays’ behaviors when comes to fasting time. In term of the music that the filmmaker used in this film is more to

            Even though the main genre is comedy and drama, it is also can be classify this movie under cultural and ethnicity where it portrayed Malay people and their typically culture in this film.  We can instead clearly see that this movie has its own important message that it trying to deliver to the audiences. For instance, there are many scene in that film showed the husband lied to their wife and the people that taught us to be honest in everything we do because at the end of the day, everything that we lied about will be exposed and we will get more embarrass.


This movie called “16 Puasa” (2017) is directed and produced by Malaysian director known as Mamat Khalid. Basically, this movie is under the comedy genre and it also can be classified as the film that discussed regarding cultural and ethnicity. The story tells us that how Malaysian always creates excuses just to escape themselves from fasting in the month of Ramadhan. Basically, it is well known or commonly known that when the person is a “Malay race” and the religion will be Islam and it is also taught that Islam is not a religion that burden its followers or worshippers and when it comes to fasting in the month of Ramadhan, all Muslims are compulsory to fast but whoever are not capable of fasting will be excused but in certain particular characteristics. Eventually, in this movie, it portrayed a Malay people commonly in the village area are regardless of age, they will break their fast usually in the late morning or afternoon and it basically became Malays “culture”. Some of them are could lied to their family members saying that they really fasting but actually are not and from this situation, there are several moral values that we can learn. For instance, we as a human being, we should be kind towards other and always speak the truth because by speaking the truth, it really measured us or showed us what kind of person we are and speaking the truth can makes people believe and have no doubts in our good self. Next, we must obey what religion taught us where when it comes to the month of Ramadhan, Muslims are compulsory to fasting to whom are capable mentally and physically. The last value that we can learn is helping each other out where even though in this movie showed that they are helping each other to gets the food for their bad activities, but it taught us to help each other regardless of age or anything if we are in a needy situations.

In addition, there one scene in the movie where it showed when it comes to the time this group of villagers are does not fasting to break their fast tgether as usual, the turn for Kudha to get the foods, all Malays food stalls or restaurants are closed and only Chinese restaurants are remain open, Kudha has no choice but bought foods (“mee kari”) for them. Kudha is a slow learner and always follow what other people said even though it is obviously wrong, so he did not concern whether the foods are “halal” or not. After he brought the foods for them, they noticed that meats in the “mee kari” tasted weird they never taste that kind of meat before. One of them asked Kudha where he got the “mee kari” and Kudha replied that he get those from this Chinese restaurants known as “Kedai Ah Hok”. Right after Kudha said that, all of them spitted out the food that they ate because they discovered that they have been eating pork in the “mee kari”. After that, the village committee caught them, and they repent and will not cheat for coming fasting.

Even though this situation is commonly happening in Malays society, we should change this attitude which might give a negative impact towards the society itself. People will be judging and stereotypes towards Malays people because of this including towards Islam as the holy religion. From the movie, as the elderly, men and as the head of the families, they should show a good example towards the family and the society.

Speaking of the characterization, the actors in “16 Puasa” has played their respective characters excellently where they bought their characters given as the villagers who skipped fasting in the month of Ramadhan really good and makes people who watched the film feel angry for what they are doing. Next, in term of type of shots in this movie, the most common shot that we can clearly see is long shot, medium shot, close-up shot and pan shot.

Regarding the Northrop Frye theory, where he has stated that in the four season which is winter, summer, spring, and autumn, it has its own genre and scenes that should happened in films. For instance, usually in spring, it usually tells us about the love stories while in winter, it usually tells us about sad and tragedies (Hamilton, 2006). Eventually in this Malay film, Frye’s theory is obviously cannot be use and relate to this film.





The film “16 Puasa” might be boring to certain people who does not like the kind of films that portrayed people who lived in the village and away form cities areas. Because in this film, it clearly showed how usually village people think and their lifestyles and most of them lived in a moderate situation and some of them are even unemployed.

            As the world has reach the year of 2020 where it can be considered as in the modern world, we should throw away all the myths and narrow-minded thoughts in our won good self. We should always learn from the past and improve ourselves in the future and learn as many good values and practice it in our lives. We should protect our dignity, good name of our culture and ethnicity by doing a good things because we are the one who carried the responsibilities in carrying the three things that has been stated.


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