Christopher Nolan

First of all, based on Andrew Sarris’s notes on The auteur Theory (1962), auteur is a French term for artist whose vision and personality is “written” into a text and auteur-centered criticism views that art as the ‘expression of the emotions, experience and worldview of an artist”. In auteur theory does contain these two important elements which is mise-en-ecene which means everything that creates the visual “world” of the movie and its overall atmosphere and the other element is metteurs en scene which Truffaut argues that not all good directors are auteurs. Peter Jackson for instance which despite he has written his own film has adapted someone else’s work and he removed certain scene and we can assume that Jackson is a good director but lack of credential to be called as an auteur. However, regarding to the director that I’ve chosen which is Christopher Nolan who directed Dunkirk (2017), he can be a good example of the director who can be considered as auteur. His film aesthetic style is basically different which every films that he directed has its own aesthetic style and Dunkirk (2017) is about World War II and of course the style would be different from his other film like Inception (2010), Interstellar (2014), The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and many more if his films. Besides that, his regular collaboration is basically different between all films and also regarding to mise-en-scene is accurate where Christopher Nolan did manage all the elements that make the film perfectly suit his any particular film while metteur en scene where he can be called as auteur because he did not adapt from anybody’s work to create his own films.


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